
Books There are 11 products.

Veterinary specialized literature

Thematic focuses: Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Animals, as well as Cardiovascular Diagnosis, Conditioning and Monitoring

The veterinary specialized literature of the VBS VetVerlag Buchhandel und Seminar GmbH is highly relevant in everyday practice.

The internationally renowned authors, like Barbara Bockstahler, Darryl Millis and David Levine write in a practice-minded and appealing style. Thematic focuses are on physical medicine, rehabilitation and sports medicine in animals.

Furthermore veterinary specialized literature is available on topics like blood pressure, ophthalmology,  ECG, ophthalmology and dermatology. 

Note: Product prices are displayed with German tax rates. They will change as appropriate after customer registration.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items
Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items