Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Question: Why do I not receive a reply?
- Answer: We answer your requests ASAP. Unfortunately some answers get caught in your spam folder. To avoid this (or blocking): please send our contact-email, like office[at] onto the whitelist of your email program and have a look at your spam folder.
You may also provide your mobile number to us, so we can call you back
PayPal fee
- Question: I do not want to pay via Paypal (or credit card) - what shall I do?
- Answer: Deselect the Paypal option by clicking the checkbox so that the hook disappears. Then click on the bankwire option.
VAHL Webinars - Free of charge
- Question: How do I register for the free VAHL Webinars?
- Question: How long are the VAHL Webinars going to be free of charge?
- Answer: The VAHL Webinars are free of charge for you due to Covid 19 lockdown. There is no claim for this voluntary service of the VBS GmbH.
- Question: May I record the webinars or take screenshots/photos?
- Answer: By joining one of our webinars / recorded webinars you agree, that ANY TYPE OF RECORDING THE WEBINARS IS NOT PERMITTED! All rights are reserved by VBS GmbH (Veterinary Academy of Higher Learning - VAHL - is part of the VBS GmbH). By breeching this agreement, a fine up to 200 000 (two hundred thousand) Euro can be issued.